Taking a toddler to a desert is a great exercise in teaching her how to follow directions: “Don’t touch the cactus! Hold still while I douse you in sunscreen! Look out for rattlesnakes!” The desert is deadly, folks, but it’s a *very* fun place to visit. Tucson is a family-friendly city and just a fun city in general (…just watch out for Gila monsters, rattlesnakes, scorpions, Africanized bees, coral snakes, tarantulas, brown recluse spiders, black widow spiders, blister beetles, desert toads, and all those prickly cacti…) Here are my favorite things to do with toddlers in the area (and at the end of this list I’ve included some activities that would be fun for older kids).

Tohono Chul – Botanical gardens that have a children’s garden that is awesome! My daughters floated boats down a little stream and played in a sandbox while I got to relax and bask in the sun (for 30 seconds). There’s a bistro, too, if food is always a priority for you like it is for me.
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum – This is usually at the top of any ‘Visit Tucson’ list and for good reason– it’s a zoo, aquarium, natural history museum, botanical garden, and art gallery. There are a ton of activities for kids and the new Packrat Playhouse is one of the coolest indoor play areas I’ve seen (and is a great respite from the sun).
Children’s Museum Tucson – I’ve become somewhat of a children’s museum connoisseur and this is a good one. Bring 20 gallons of hand sanitizer with you.

Hike in Honey Bee Canyon Park in Oro Valley – The trails are a perfect length for little ones (~2 miles) and there’s not much elevation change (plus beautiful views of the Pusch Ridge!) There are two different trails; one leads to petroglyphs which might be interesting to you and a good snack spot for your kids.
Marana Pumpkin Patch and Farm Festival – Make this drive north of Tucson if you’re visiting in the fall or in the winter around the holiday season. This is where I first learned about “jumping pillows” and my two year old bounced happily for two hours.
Reid Park Zoo – We hear this is a good one, but we didn’t actually go because we’d just visited the San Diego Zoo. I had to include it on this list, though, because seeing animals is always a hit with little ones.
Our kids are young, but there are many more wonderful activities for families with kids who are a bit older: Old Tucson, Kartchner Cavern State Park, Sabino Canyon, Pima Air and Space Museum, Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium, Biosphere 2, and Saguaro National Park.
What are your favorite spots for kids around Tucson?
Did you know that you can rent baby/toddler gear while visiting Tucson? It’s affordable and extremely convenient!
“Wherever there is injustice, you will find us. Wherever there is suffering, we’ll be there. Wherever liberty is threatened, you will find… @kiddosandcarryons/ The Three Amigos [filmed partly in Tucson]”